
Showing posts from September, 2021

Manglik Dosha Remedy – Who Needs It & Why?

Are you getting tired of marriage issues? Is your delayed in marriage without any certain reasons? Do you get angry for no reason? Do you get tempted by little things? If all or any of these happen to you frequently then you need help seriously. Mangal is the planet that blesses a native with courage, boldness, energy, honesty, patience, perseverance, positivity, and leadership attitude. But, a weak or malefic Mangal/Mars in a birth chart can create a hell of a lot of issues and Manglik Dosha is one of them. It is advisable to visit an experienced and genuine astrologer for Manglik Dosha remedy if you are inflicted with Manglik Dosha . Manglik Dosha & Its Remedies Manglik Dosha happens when the Mars or Mangal sits in the 1 st , 4 th , 7 th , 8 th , or 12 th house from ascendant or the Moon in the birth chart. Sometimes, the placement of Mars in the 2 nd and 10 th house is also considered Manglik Dosha. Due to this Dosha, a native may suffer from various consequences includ